26 April 2016


13 Days left for Filipinos to Cast their Votes


(Riyadh, 26 April 2016) – The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh is concerned at the modest voter turnout during the first 18 days of overseas voting in Saudi Arabia. It renewed its urgent call on all Filipino registered overseas voters in Saudi Arabia to cast their votes NOW and not wait until the last days of elections ending on May 9.

The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh is concerned at the very modest turnout of overseas voters in Riyadh and in Al Khobar since voting began on April 9. The following graphic shows actual voter turnout from April 9 to 25:


As of 25 April, total voter turnout at the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh totaled 12,131 or a mere 10.65% of the total 113,895 registered voters in the Embassy’s Certified List of Overseas Voters or CLOV.

Voter turnout at the International Philippine School in Al Khobar (IPSA) fared better with a total of 5,046 or 14.87% of the total 33,926 registered voters in the CLOV of POLO Al Khobar.

Missing        Missing


Philippine Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Ezzedin H. Tago, renewed his urgent call on all registered voters in Saudi Arabia to exercise their right to vote. “I was initially encouraged by the fervent enthusiasm of many Filipinos about this year’s National Elections as represented in social media. Unfortunately, increased activity on social media does not elect national leaders. I challenge all overseas voters to go out and cast your votes as soon as possible and before May 9,” said Ambassador Tago.

COMELEC recently issued guidelines allowing overseas voters with active status who are registered in one location but now residing in another location to vote where they reside, upon the voter’s written manifestation and COMELEC’s approval.

On the request of Filipinos and under the Embassy’s “Dear Embassy Program”, the Embassy has also issued letters to employers to allow their workers to come to the Embassy and vote.

The following are important details regarding overseas voting:



Philippine Embassy in Riyadh

Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh



International Philippine School in Al Khobar (IPSA)

Al Khobar, Eastern Province


Who may vote:

Registered overseas voters whose names appear in the CLOV under Riyadh PE; registered seafarers


Overseas voters with active status but are registered in another precinct may vote provided they have an ‘Authority to Add and Delete’ from COMELEC

Registered overseas voters whose names appear in the CLOV under POLO Al Khobar; registered seafarers


Overseas voters with active status but are registered in another precinct may vote provided they have an ‘Authority to Add and Delete’ from COMELEC


09 April to 09 May 2016

Daily including weekends and holidays

Daily schedule:

Daily 8:00AM to 7:00PM

Weekdays: 12:00NN to 8:00PM

Weekends: 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Last day:

09 May 2016 from 8:00AM to 12:00NN*

*Per COMELEC Res. 10087


ANY of the following may be presented to the SBEI:
  1. Original PHL passport
  2. Voter’s ID
  3. Any PHL-issued ID
  4. Iqama
  5. Seaman’s book (if seafarer)


Inspect your voter receipt and drop it in the receipt receptacle.

Do not leave voting area with the voter receipt.

Taking photographs of the ballot or the voter receipt is an election offense.

Campaigning inside the polling area and within a 30-meter radius, including wearing campaign material for or against any candidate or party, is an election offense.