Press Release

Philippine Embassy’s conducts
Gender and Development Forum with the
Filipino Community


(Riyadh, 1 October 2015) – The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh recently conducted a Gender and Development Forum on 17 September 2015. This was participated in by the heads and representative of the Philippine-curriculum international schools and leaders of Filipino community organizations based in Riyadh.

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H.E. Ambassador Ezzedin H. Tago welcoming the lecturers, guests and participants

in the Gender and Development Forum

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Lecturers, guest and participants in the Gender and Development Forum,

Philippine Embassy, Riyadh, 17 September 2015

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Mary Jennifer D. Dingal First Secretary and Consul
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Ms. Perlita F. Ponciano Principal, Al Taj International School


First Secretary and Consul Mary Jennifer D. Dingal gave a lecture on the topic, “Promotion of Gender-Sensitivity and Women’s Rights: Breaking Stereotypes” while Ms. Perlita F. Ponciano, Principal of the Al-Taj International School, discussed the role of Philippine schools in promoting Gender and Development.

Social and Welfare Attaché Perlita V. Panganiban, on the other hand, talked about the welfare services being provided by her office to migrant workers, especially women who are vulnerable to discrimination, exploitation and abuse. Labor Attaché Rustico M. Dela Fuente gave an overview on the Overseas Labor Education Program (OLEP) and also gave information on how the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) handles requests for assistance from OFWs and on how it manages the daily operation of the Filipino Workers’ Resource Center (FWRC).