Press Release

Filipino Teachers in Saudi Arabia Attend Classroom Management Seminar;
Officer-in-Charge Christopher Aro
Delivers Keynote Speech


Officer-in-Charge Christopher Patrick T. Aro (center) together with Dr. Marylendra A. Pentrante (2nd from right) and Ms. Marie Con Caro, Principal of Palm Crest International School (far right), Ms. Violeta Castillo, Al Dura (GEMS) International School in Jeddah (far left) and Ms. Zenaida Meren, Vice President of the Association of Philippine Schools Overseas (2nd from left)


(Riyadh, 12 February 2017) – The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh to informs the Filipino community that it recently conducted a Classroom Management Seminar for Filipino teachers working from Philippine-curriculum Schools in Riyadh, Alkhobar, Buraydah and Jeddah on 10 February 2017 at the Philippine Embassy Chancery.

The theme of the seminar was “Teaching Beyond Technique: Empowering Philippine Schools with the 21st Skills and Understanding”. It was aimed to provide the Filipino teachers with new teaching strategies which will enable the students to cope with their school requirements academically.

Around 250 teachers and school administrators from the following Riyadh-based Philippine-curriculum Schools attended the one-day seminar:

  1. Al Dannah International School
  2. Al Taj International School
  3. Elite International School
  4. Future Generation Philippine International School
  5. International Philippine School in Riyadh
  6. Palm Crest International School
  7. Riyadh International School
  8. Second Philippine International School

Representatives from International Philippine School in Alkhobar, Philippine International School in Buraydah and Al Dura (GEMS) International School in Jeddah also attend the seminar.




Dr. Marylendra A. Penetrante conducted the first part of the seminar entitled, “Discipline Without Pain for 21st Century Learners” and “Understanding the Heart of Children”.

Dr. Penetrante is currently the Director of the Children and Youth Wellness Technical and Advocacy Center (CYWTAC) based in Legazpi City, Philippines.


Dr. Marylendra Penetrante giving the teachers valuable techniques in teaching students of the 21st century.


Dr. Penetrante discussed about the different pedagogies in which the teachers can use to teach the children of the 21st century cope with their everyday experiences. She also mentioned how the schools, especially the teachers, can make a difference in the life of their students. Having proper dispositions in life and giving proper discipline without inflicting physical and emotional pain to children are very important for the teachers to have so they can communicate and connect properly to their students.

She said “effective pedagogical practice promotes the wellbeing of students, teachers and the school community. It improves students’ and teachers’ confidence and contributes to their sense of purpose for being at school; it builds community confidence in the quality of learning and teaching in the school”.

The seminar was organized by the Association of Philippine Schools Overseas (APSO) and the first one to be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Philippine Embassy’s Officer-in-Charge Christopher Patrick T. Aro gave the Keynote Speech during the seminar wherein he underscored the importance of learning in an environment that is comfortable and enjoyable. 


Officer-in-Charge Aro giving his Keynote Speech to the attendees during the start of the seminar.


The second part of the seminar will be held on 24 February 2017 and to be conducted by Dr. Alexander S. Acosta, President of the Association of Philippine Schools Overseas (APSO).