Press Release
12 May 2014

Philippine Embassy meets with medical professionals and
community in Riyadh and Eastern on MERS

A Riyadh - based senior nurse reminds her colleagues on basic practices for infection control during a meeting in Riyadh on 10 May.


(Riyadh) Philippine Ambassador Ezzedin Tago led Embassy officials in meeting with community members and especially Filipino medical professionals in the Eastern Region on 9 May and in Riyadh on 10 May to discuss latest developments on the MERS Corona Virus.

Philippine Embassy officials stressed to the medical professionals the need to follow infection prevention and control guidelines prescribed by the hospitals, the Saudi Ministry of Health, and the World Health Organization.

Ambassador Tago and Embassy officials also reviewed with the community the various advisories and information from the Philippine Department of Health and the Saudi Ministry of Health, all of which are available on the Embassy website (, the MOH website (, and the Philippine DOH website (

Labor Attaché Alejandro Padaen (standing left) gives an introduction to start the meeting with the Philippine Nurses Association (Eastern) and the community in Al-Khobar on 9 May.


Since the school year is about to start, the Philippine curriculum schools in the Eastern Region and Riyadh committed to hold information campaigns for their staff, students and their parents. In addition, professional organizations committed to hold echo briefings for their members to ensure that valuable information on how to prevent and avoid infection with MERS resonates to the community.

The Philippine Embassy urged everyone to refer to official website for information on latest advisories, and urged all Filipinos to refrain from echoing unconfirmed information from social media.

The Embassy reiterated to healthcare workers the previous advice for them to strictly follow infection control protocols in their respective workplaces, and to undergo voluntary MERS CoV screening through their employers, especially if they intend to travel. In addition, the Embassy reiterated to the rest of the community to follow prevention techniques advised by the MOH and the DOH and to follow general health practices that enhance their immune system.###