Philippine Embassy Showcases
Works of Art by Filipino Visual Artists in
“Partners for Change” Art Exhibit
Figure 1: Members of the Hagod Filipino Visual Artists, led by Mr. Marjo Suvisor (3rd from right) who contributed their works to the exhibit.
Figure 2: Charge d' Affaires, a.i. Iric C. Arribas (2nd from left) together with Labor Attache Nasser S. Mustafa (left) and Vice Consul Von Ryan S. Ferrera (partly hidden) and members from Hagod Filipino Artists Mr. Marjoe Suvisor (beside CDA Arribas), Mr. Natalio Alob, Jr. (2nd from right) and Mr. Ebdon Sevilleno (far right) during the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Figure 3: Painting made by one of the Hagod Filipino members for President Rodrigo R. Duterte
(Riyadh, 12 June 2017) – The Philippine Embassy in Riyadh opened an art exhibit entitled “Partners for Change” to showcase the works of art by members of the Hagod Filipino Visual Artists group, as part of the activities to celebrate the 119th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence.
Hagod Filipino Visual Artists Group gathered together various works of art such as paintings and sculptures created by 26 of their members for the said exhibit wherein one of those exhibited was the sculpture made by Mr. Natalio G. Alob, Jr. entitled “Painful Ties That Bind” (picture published below). Mr. Alob’s sculpture won Grand Prize in the GSIS Art Competition in 2012 in the Sculpture Category.
Figure 3: Some of the members of Hagod Filipino Artists together with Mr. Natalio G. Alob, Jr. (2nd from left) who made the award winning sculpture entitled “Painful Ties That Bind” displayed infront.
Various pictures of Hagod Filipino members together with their paintings. From left clockwise: CDA Iric Arribas with Mr. Japhet Bagolio with his word burning artworks; CDA Iric Arribas with Mr. Marjoe Survisor with his watercolor paintings; Mr. Johnny Mabatan (below right) with his ballpoint pen paintings; and Mr. Neil Pinar (below left) with his paintings.
Figure 4: One of the guests posing infront of a painter who is doing his portrait.
The painters also conducted a live sketching session for the guests. Those who wanted to have their portraits painted were asked to pose in front of a painter who was assigned to paint their portrait.
The art exhibit was made to inspire Filipinos to unite and become partners for change toward uplifting the collective quality of life of our countrymen and making the Philippines a home that can provide a peaceful and prosperous life for us all. (END)