Press Release
Philippine Embassy Holds Gender and
Development (GAD) Lecture-Forum
(Riyadh, 8 May 2018) – As part of its 2nd Quarter GAD Activity, the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh held a program entitled “Women Inspiring Women: The Magna Carta for Women and Stories from a Woman’s Heart” on 30 April 2018, attended by officers and staff and their female spouses.
First Secretary and Consul Mary Jennifer D. Dingal, also designated as GAD Focal Person, gave a lecture on Magna Carta of Women (R.A. 9710) and the role of Foreign Service Posts in ensuring that rights of women migrant workers, especially those in distress are protected.
First Secretary and Consul Mary Jennifer D. Dingal delivering her lecture of Magna Carta of Women
Five empowered women of the Philippine Embassy namely: Attaché Gloria Jean Castaño Zafra, Cultural Officer; Attaché Janis Mahalia Orbita-Lantud, Legal Officer; Maricel A. Deloria, Social Welfare Attache; First Secretary and Consul Mary Jennifer D. Dingal, and Madam Jo C. Alonto, wife of His Excellency Adnan V. Alonto, shared to the audience their journey towards their empowerment as women in the various aspects and stages of their life.
After the speakers have shared their respective stories, Attaché Allan Manggis, ATN Case Officer handling rape cases; and His Excellency Adnan Alonto gave their reactions and also shared their experiences and views on how they contributed to the empowerment of women in their respective roles.
Ambassador Adnan V. Alonto sharing his thoughts on the empowerment of women in his own family and his Maranao tribe.
Officers and staff of the Philippine Embassy headed by His Excellency Ambassador Adnan V. Alonto and wife, Madam Jo C. Alonto, together with First Secretary and Consul Mary Jennifer D. Dingal, GAD Focal Person, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Noel L. Rodriguez, Third Secretary and Vice Consul Von Ryan S. Ferrera, and wife, Ms. Raina Q. Ferrera.